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Components: Users

Adding, editing and deleting users, reset user password.

Jumana avatar
Written by Jumana
Updated over 6 years ago

What is a User?
A user in Skiplino can be an Agent; the user calling and serving tickets. A  Service Manager; the user who manages the services under a specific branch. A Branch Manager; the user who manages the branches agents and services and has access to reports. The admin; has access to manage every components of the system except for Configurations of Tickets languages and localizations. Only the Owner can edit these configurations.

List Users:

To view the list of Users, Select "Users" from the Navigation menu:

The table of users below shows the name, email, role the status of each user. . The last column in the table has 2 action buttons, the first one is the Edit button, the second one is the Delete button. To View a user details just click on the name of the user.

Adding a User:

To add a new user you will start by clicking on "Add User" button that is located above the users table.

You will get a pop up as follows:

  1. Enter user's full name.

  2. Enter user's email.

  3. Enter user's mobile number (optional).

  4. Enter a login password for the user.

  5. Click the button to generate a random password.

  6. Click next to move to the next section of form.

  1. Select user's Branch.

  2. Select user's Desk.

  3. Click next to move to the next section of form.

  4. Click back to go back to the previous section of form.

  1. Enable or disable Override services. If enabled the services selected and their priorities will override the desk settings. i.e. If the user selects a desk that has its own services and priorities they will be overridden by what was configured for the user.

  2. Enable or disable the service for the user. If enabled the user will be able to call tickets that belongs to this service.

  3. Set the priority of service. Services with higher priorities get are most likely to be called before services with lower priorities.

  4. Enable or disable the service for the user. This service is disabled so the user will not be able to call tickets of this service.

  5. The service is disabled and there is no need to set the priority.

  6. Click next to move to the next section of form.

  7. Click back to go back to the previous section of form.

  1. Select user's Role.

  2. Click next to move to the next section of form.

  3. Click back to go back to the previous section of form.

If the role of the user is a Branch Manager you can select the branches that the user will be managing:

Once you click next on the Roles and Permissions you will get a summary of the information entered:

Click the SUBMIT button to create the user or the BACK button to go back to the previous section.

Edit users:

When editing a user you will see a from of four sections; Details, Branch, Services and Roles & Permissions.

  1. Enter user's full name.

  2. Enter user's email.

  3. Enter user's mobile number (optional).

  4. Enter a login password for the user.

  5. Click the button to generate a random password.

  6. Activate or deactivate a user. A deactivated user will not be able to login.

  7. Select user's Branch.

  8. Select user's Desk (Optional).

  9. Enable or disable Override services. If enabled the services selected and their priorities will override the desk settings. i.e. If the user selects a desk that has its own services and priorities they will be overridden by what was configured for the user.

  10. Enable or disable the service for the user. If enabled the user will be able to call tickets that belongs to this service.

  11. Set the priority of service. Services with higher priorities get are most likely to be called before services with lower priorities.

  12. Select user's Role.

  13. Enable or disable Full Access. If enabled the user will have access as Branch Manager for all the branches.

  14. If full access is not enabled, select the branch(es) that the user will be managing.

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